30 Days of node
Day 27 : Assert Module in node.js

30 days of node - Nodejs tutorial series

Assert module in node.js is an inbuilt module which can be used to write tests. It provides a way to perform unit tests on node.js expressions. If the test case is failed or 0 or false then , an error is raised. If the test case is passed or 1 or true then it provides no feedback. Although this module is intended for only internal use in node.js but we can still access it using the following :

var assert = require('assert');

Note that assert is not a testing framework and we must not treat it like one.

How it works

Some common examples are given below which explains how we can use assert module of node.js in our code.

  • Snippet 1 : In this snippet , we perform comparison operation which checks whether variable a is greater that variable b or not.
    //Name of the file : assert-1.js
    var assert = require('assert');
    var a = 10;
    var b = 20;
    assert(a > b);

    We can run it in the following way :
    >node assert-1.js
      throw new errors.AssertionError({
    AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: false == true

  • Snippet 2 : In this we are performing the strict comparison operation and checking whether the sum of 3 numbers is equal to the expected output or not.
    //Name of the file :  assert-snippet-true.js
    var assert = require('assert');  
    function demo (x,y,z) {  
      var value = x + y + z ; 
      return value;
    var output = demo(4,1,10);
    console.log("Output : " + output);
    var expected_output = 15;
    console.log("Expected Output : " + expected_output);
    assert( output === expected_output , 'Test case is true so this will not be printed'); 

    We can run it in the following way :
    >node assert-snippet-true.js
    Output : 15
    Expected Output : 15

    Note that when the assertion test is true , it does not return any output.
  • Snippet 3 : In this we are performing the strict comparison operation and checking whether the sum of 3 numbers is equal to the expected output or not.
    //Name of the file :  assert-snippet-false.js
    var assert = require('assert');  
    function demo (x,y,z) {  
      var value = x + y + z ; 
      return value;
    var output = demo(3,2,10);
    console.log("Output : " + output);
    var expected_output = 12;
    console.log("Expected Output : " + expected_output);
    assert( output === expected_output , 'This is not what we expected');  

    We can run it in the following way :
    >node assert-snippet-false.js
    Output : 15
    Expected Output : 12
      throw new errors.AssertionError({
    AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: This is not what we expected

Methods of assert module

Each and every method of assert module of node.js is explained in detail below with code examples.

  • assert : This method check if expression is true. It is similar to assert.ok() method.
    • Syntax :
       assert(value[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = 20;
      assert(a > b , "A should be greater than B");		 

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: A should be greater than B

  • assert.deepEqual : This method is used to check if two values are equal or not. The comparison is performed with == operator.
    • Syntax :
      assert.deepEqual(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.deepEqual.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = '10';
      var c = 10.25;
      //Case 1
      assert.deepEqual(a,b, "Nothing printed because they are using == for comparison");
      //Case 2
      assert.deepEqual(a,c, "Error because values doesn't match");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.deepEqual.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error because values doesn't match

  • assert.deepStrictEqual : This method is also used to check if two values are equal or not except for the fact that comparison is performed with === operator.
    • Syntax :
      assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.deepStrictEqual.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = '10';
      assert.deepStrictEqual(a,b, "Error because they are using === for comparison");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.deepStrictEqual.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error because they are using === for comparison		

  • assert.equal : This method is used to check the equality between the actual and expected value. The comparison is performed using == operator.
    • Syntax :
      assert.equal(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.equal.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 50;
      var b = '50';
      var c = 50.25;
      //Case 1
      assert.equal(a,b, "Nothing printed because they are using == for comparison");
      //Case 2
      assert.equal(a,c, "Error because values doesn't match");		 

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.equal.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error because values doesn't match		

  • assert.fail : This method is used to throw an assertion error.
    • Syntax :
       //Case 1
       //Case 2
       assert.fail(actual, expected[, message[, operator[, stackStartFunction]]])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.fail.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      assert.fail(1, 2, 'This is an error', '>'); 

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.fail.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: This is an error

  • assert.ifError : This method is used throw a specified error if it evaluates to be true.
    • Syntax :

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.ifError.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      //Case 1 : No error
      //Case 2 : throws 1
      //Case 3 : throws error

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.ifError.js
      assert.ifError = function ifError(err) { if (err) throw err; };

  • assert.notDeepEqual : This method is used to check for any deep inequality. This method is opposite of assert.deepEqual() method.
    • Syntax :
      assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.notDeepEqual.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = 12;
      var c = '10';
      //Case 1
      assert.notDeepEqual(a,b, "Nothing printed because they are using !== for comparison");
      //Case 2
      assert.notDeepEqual(a,c, "Error because values match here");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.notDeepEqual.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error because values match here

  • assert.notDeepStrictEqual : This method is used to check for any deep strict inequality. This method is opposite of assert.deepStrictEqual() method.
    • Syntax :
      assert.notDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.notDeepStrictEqual.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = '10';
      var c = 10;
      //Case 1
      assert.notDeepStrictEqual(a,b, "No Error because they are checking for not deep strict equal");
      //Case 2
      assert.notDeepStrictEqual(a,c, "Error because values are equal");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.notDeepStrictEqual.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error because values are equal	

  • assert.notEqual : This method is used to check if two values are not equal, performed using != ( not equal operator ).
    • Syntax :
      assert.notEqual(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.notEqual.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = 10.25;
      var c = '10';
      //Case 1
      assert.notEqual(a,b, "Nothing printed because they are using != for comparison");
      //Case 2
      assert.notEqual(a,c, "Error because values match");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.notEqual.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error because values match

  • assert.notStrictEqual : This method is used to check if two values are not equal, performed using !== ( strict not equal operator ).
    • Syntax :
      assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.notStrictEqual.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = 10.25;
      var c = '10';
      var d = 10;
      //Case 1
      assert.notStrictEqual(a,b, "Nothing printed because they are using !== for comparison");
      //Case 2
      assert.notStrictEqual(a,c, "Nothing printed because still its not a match");
      //case 3
      assert.notStrictEqual(a,d, "Error because its a match");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.notStrictEqual.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error because its a match														

  • assert.ok : This method is used to Check if a value is true or not.
    • Syntax :
       assert.ok(value[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.ok.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      //Case 1
      assert.ok(true, "No error ");
      //Case 2
      assert.ok(1,"No error");
      //Case 3
      assert.ok(false,"It is an error");
      //Case 4
      assert.ok(0 , " Again error");
      //case 5
      var a = 10;
      var b = 20;
      assert(a > b , "A should be greater than B");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.ok.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: It is an error

      Note that you have to comment case 3 and case 4 to see the output of case 5 and in the same way comment case 3 and case 5 to see the output of case 4 .
  • assert.strictEqual : This method is used to check if two values are equal, performed using === ( strict equal operator ).
    • Syntax :
      assert.strictEqual(actual, expected[, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.strictEqual.js
      var assert = require('assert');
      var a = 10;
      var b = '10';
      var c = 10;
      //Case 1
      assert.strictEqual(a,c, "Nothing printed");
      //Case 2
      assert.strictEqual(a,b, "Error acc to strict equality comparison");

      We can run it in the following way :
      >node assert.strictEqual.js
        throw new errors.AssertionError({
      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Error acc to strict equality comparison

  • assert.throws : This method is used when we are expecting a function block to throw an error.
    • Syntax :
       assert.throws(block[, error][, message])

    • Example :
      //Name of the file : assert.throw.js
      var assert = require('assert');
        () => {
          throw new Error('Wrong value');

  • assert.doesNotThrow : This method is opposite of assert.throws method.
    • Syntax :
       assert.doesNotThrow(block[, error][, message])


In this chapter of 30 days of node , we learned about what is assert module and how we can use it in our code. We also learned about all the methods of assert module with code examples. Methods include : assert() , assert.deepEqual(), assert.deepStrictEqual() , assert.doesNotThrow() , assert.equal() , assert.fail(), assert.ifError() , assert.notDeepEqual() , assert.notDeepStrictEqual() , assert.notEqual() , assert.notStrictEqual(), assert.ok() , assert.strictEqual() , assert.throws() .