30 Days of node
Day 10 : Crypto module in node.js

Part 2 - Symmetric encryption & decryption and Asymmetric encryption & decryption

30 days of node - Nodejs tutorial series

In this part, we will learn about doing encryption and decryption using cryto module of node.js symmetrically as well as asymmetrically.


  1. Node.js : You can download it here
  2. Key Pair : You can generate it using openSSL or any other key pair generator or you can use the ones available here

Encryption and decryption

Data that can be read and understood easily is known as Plain text. The problem with plain text is that everyone can read it. But sometimes we don't want everyone to have the access to read the data i.e. the confidentiality of the data needs to be maintained.

Encryption : Encryption deals with providing confidentiality to the data so that only authorize personnel have access to the data. In encryption , Plain text is transfromed to an unintelligible text with the help of key and algorithm which we can read but can not understand due to which the confidentiality of the data is protected. This unintelligible text is known as Cipher text .

Decryption : Decryption is the process of rendering the data , so that it can be changed into a human or machine readable and understandable form. It takes the cipher text as input and converts it into the plain text with the help of key and algorithm.

Types of Encryption

There are 2 ways to encrypt and decrypt the content which are explained in detail below :

  1. Symmetric or private key encryption :
  2. In symmetric , same key is used to perform encryption and decryption. It is fast as compared to asymmetric.
    Scenario :
    • Mr.A wants to send a confidential message to Mr.X
    • Mr.H in sitting in between monitoring all the messages transmit by Mr.A
    • So, Mr.A encrypted the message with his private key and transmits the message. Now further there are 2 possibilities :
      1. The message is safely received by Mr. X who decrypted it using the same key with which the message was encrypted by Mr.A
      2. Mr. H got the message but as Mr.H does not have the key with which the message is encrypted, so he can not decrypt it and hence the confidentiality of the message is retained.

  3. Asymmetric or public key encryption:
  4. In asymmetric , we use a pair of keys to perform encryption and decryption. In simple words, key which is used to encrypt is different from the key which is used to decrypt. The key pair can be generated using openSSL or any other key pair generator. The key pair consist of a public key and a private key. Public key is known to all however the private key is only known to the person whom it belongs.For the problems Asymmetric encryption solves consider the following scenarios:

    Scenario 1
    • Rj wants to send a confidential message to Mr.X
    • Mr.H in sitting in between monitoring all the messages transmit by Rj
    • So, Rj encrypted the message with his private key and transmits the message. Now further there are 2 possibilities :
      1. The message is safely received by Mr. X who decrypted it using Rj's public key.
      2. Mr. H got the message and decrypted it using Rj's Public key. But now Mr.H can not encrypt it again because Mr.H is not having Rj's Private key and when the message reaches its actual destination that is to Mr.X , Mr.X will get to know that the confidentiality of the message is breached and hence the information provided by the message can not be trusted.
    • Hence either the message is received by actual receiver with it's confidentiality retained or we get to know that the confidentiality is breached.

    Scenario 2
    • Now Mr. X wants to inform Rj that the confidentiality of the message is breached but he does not want Mr.H to know about it.
    • So Mr. X encrypted the message using the public key of Rj,which can now only be decrypted using the private key of Rj.
    • If Mr.H somehow even got the reply send by Mr.X to Rj , then also he can't decrypt it because the private key is only with Rj.

1. Symmetric encryption and decryption

  1. Encryption using createCipher and decryption using createDecipher inbuilt methods : Same key is used for both encryption and decryption.
    var crypto = require('crypto'),algorithm = 'aes-256-ctr',password = 'RJ23edrf';
    //Here "aes-256-cbc" is the advance encryption standard we are using for encryption.
    //Text is the Confidential data which we need to encrypt using 'password'(Key).
    function encrypt(text){
        var cipher = crypto.createCipher(algorithm,password)
        var crypted = cipher.update(text,'utf8','hex')
        crypted += cipher.final('hex');
        return crypted;
    //Here "aes-256-cbc" is the advance encyption standard we used for encrytion.
    //Text is the Cipher which we need to decrypt using 'password'(Key).
    function decrypt(text){
       var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(algorithm,password)
       var dec = decipher.update(text,'hex','utf8')
       dec += decipher.final('utf8');
       return dec;
    //Actual content
    var text = "Nodejsera for all web development languages";
    //Calling the encrypt function and printing the encrypted content				
    var e = encrypt(text);
    //calling the decrypt function and printing the decrypted content
    var d = decrypt(e);

    Run : We can run it using the command given below
    >node enc-pub-dec-priv.js

2. Asymmetric encryption and decryption

Also known as public key encryption, we use differnt key for decryption from the one we used for encryption. There are 2 possibilities which are explained with code snippets below :

  1. Public Key used for encryption amd private key for decryption :
        Example of Asymmetric encryption
        Encrypting using public key and decrypting using private key
        File Name : enc-pub-dec-priv.js
        Author : @nodejsera
    //Including the required modules
    var crypto = require('crypto');
    var fs = require('fs');
    //Reading the Public Key
    pubK = privK = fs.readFileSync('pub.key').toString();
    //Passing the text to be encrypted using private key
    var buf = Buffer.from('This is secret code', 'utf8');
    //Encrypting the text
    secretData = crypto.publicEncrypt(pubK, buf);
    //printing the encrypted text
    //reading the Private key
    privK = {
        key: fs.readFileSync('priv.key').toString(),
        passphrase: 'nodejsera'
    //decrypting the text using public key
    origData = crypto.privateDecrypt(privK, secretData)
    //Printing the original content

    Run : We can run using the command given below
    >node enc-pub-dec-priv.js

  2. Private Key used for encryption amd public key used for decryption :
        Example of Asymmetric encryption
        Encrypting using private key and decrypting using public key
        File Name : enc-priv-dec-pub.js
        Author : @nodejsera
    //Including the required modules
    var crypto = require('crypto');
    var fs = require('fs');
    //Reading the Private Key
    privK = {
        key: fs.readFileSync('priv.key').toString(),
        passphrase: 'nodejsera'
    //Passing the text to be encrypted using private key
    var buf = Buffer.from('rishabh', 'utf8');
    //Encrypting the text
    secretData = crypto.privateEncrypt(privK, buf);
    //printing the encrypted text
    //reading the Public key
    pubK = fs.readFileSync('pub.key').toString();
    //decrypting the text using public key
    origData = crypto.publicDecrypt(pubK, secretData)
    //Printing the original content

    Run : We can run it using the command given below
    >node enc-priv-dec-pub.js


In this chapter of 30 days of node tutorial series, we learned about how we can use crypto module in node.js for encryption and decryption. We learned about what is encryption , what is decryption , why encryption is necessary , how we can perform symmetric or private key encryption and decryption. Also we learned about public key or asymmetric encryption and decryption.


Get the full tested snippet here :