Getting Started With AWS Lambda

Part - 1 : Create user on Amazon AWS

30 Days of Node | Node.js Tutorial series


This is the first part of a 3-part tutorial series on Getting started with amazon Lambda :

  1. In this part, we will learn how we can create a user on our amazon aws account.
  2. In the second part we will learn how we can create our first lambda function.
  3. In the third part, we will code our lambda function and also we will create our node.js function to call our lambda function.

  1. Amazon AWS account : You can create Amazon AWS account here or you can login to your account, if u already have one.

Creating a user on amazon aws account

  • Step 1 : Search and select IAM from the list of all the services provided on the landing page of your aws account as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 2 : Click on Users to start the process of creating a new user on amazon AWS as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 3 : Click on Add user as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 4 : Enter a Username for your user. In the Access Type field, enable Programmatic access as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 5 : Create a user group to provide permissions to our user.Select Add User to group and create group as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 6 : Write a Group Name and then search for the following policy in policy type field -- AWS lambda full access as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 7 : Select the group you created and proceed further as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 8 : This is review step. Check all the fields and see if they are as per your selection and if the answer is yes, proceed further as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
  • Step 9 : Please note Access key id and Secret access key for future references.You can also download the keys by clicking on the Download.csv button as shown in the image below:

    amazon aws lambda function using node.js
Congratulations !! You have successfully created a User with full AWS lambda function access.


In this part of the Getting started with AWS lambda functions, we learned how we can create a user and provide full access to AWS lambda function.